Larger buildings inevitably produce larger microclimates.

Climates and geology are why cinema and television industries are so established here. Cinema evolved in Niles before relocating, with the evolution of television, to Hollywood. The diversity of local climates, geology and associated scenery was the primary appeal. Farmers of all sorts had already been exploiting such climates as well as microclimates.

Climate is a regionally prevalent pattern of weather. Mediterranean or chaparral climates are prominent locally. Coastal, desert and alpine climates occupy other relatively nearby regions of California. Variations of geology influence weather, which determines climate. This comprises mountains, valleys, various altitudes and proximity to the Pacific Ocean.

Microclimates, as their designation suggests, are small climates within big climates. With such a mix of climates here, microclimates might be difficult to distinguish. Some climate zones of steep coastal hillsides are very narrow, for example. Yet, if they are distinct from those for higher and lower elevations, they are climates. Microclimates are even smaller.

For microclimates, exposure is as relevant as endemic climates. Such exposure can not change climate, but modifies its influence. For example, large eaves and warm walls can provide localized shelter from frost. Southern slopes of hilly terrain are likely a bit sunnier and warmer than northern slopes. Buildings and fences shade garden area to their north.

Many microclimates, such as those that involve terrain or forest shade, are natural. They are generally less dynamic than unnatural microclimates. Forest shade changes only as fast as associated trees grow or die. Only major disruption, such as fire or timber harvest, accelerates such slow change. Terrain may not change significantly for millions of years.

Unnatural microclimates are more dynamic and unpredictable. Taller modern homes and fences shade more within adjacent gardens. Skyscrapers can extend their shadows into gardens a few blocks away. Conversely, some can reflect sunlight to adversely increase heat and glare. Expansive and unshaded pavement likewise increases ambient warmth.

2 thoughts on “Microclimates Are Distinct From Climates

  1. You raise 2 interesting points that I hadn’t thought about. The first was that the entertainment industry settled there because of the climate. The next was the effect of skyscraper type buildings on blocks of neighborhoods. I have heard of urban heat islands. But I hadn’t thought of them as throwing shade as well.

    FYI: we have a subset of the entertainment industry making Christmas movies for places like the Hallmark Channel right here in the frozen north.

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    1. The entertainment industry has been expanding from Southern California for many years because travel to other regions is so much easier, but travel around Southern California is so much more difficult. Also, the scenery around Southern California is not what it was years ago, and filming within many of such regions requires expensive permits.

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