70118Like euryops daisy, sweet pea shrub and New Zealand tea tree, the blue hibiscus, Alyogyne huegelii, blooms whenever it wants to, even if it wants to bloom sporadically through winter. It should bloom more abundantly in phases though spring and summer, but even that is difficult to predict. The three inch wide flowers are lavender blue, but can be rich purple or white. Pink is very rare.

Young plants can grow quickly but sparsely. Lanky stems can be tip pruned after a spring bloom phase to promote branching and improve density. Growth slows with maturity. Plants can get five feet high and wide in their second year, but might never reach the eaves. They like full sun and shelter from wind, but should not mind a bit of shade. Established plants do not need much water.

10 thoughts on “Blue Hibiscus

    1. Mallows are everywhere! Some of the tree forms are popular because they are drought tolerant. We do not have baobab trees here though. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is popular here because it tolerates both drought and frost better than tropical hibiscus, but it typically has yellowish foliage. I lost track of how many mallows and hibiscus are from South Africa. I remember that there were a few.

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  1. I have a double white alogyne which, I’m quite happy to say, I grew from a cutting. It continues to flower profusely through the brutal summer conditions we are experiencing. Its flowers are like stars in the sky and beautiful to behold.

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    1. The white forms are not popular here for some reason. We typically get either dark blue or light blue. I think that the dark blue is a bit too dark, and almost purple.


    1. It was actually appeared briefly in 1985, but then went obscure again. I saw it for the first time in 1985, and Brent, my colleague from the Los Angeles area saw it the following year. We learned it in school. It was only light blue back then. Oddly, it regained popularity here first, and was available through the 90s. I was not so impressed when white and dark blue appeared. Brent noticed them in the Los Angeles area a few years later, and the seem to be more popular recently.


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