
Tet, Vietnamese New Year’s Day, is today! This is the first day of the Year of the Dog! Tet is celebrated for at least three days, and besides all the popularly known traditions that go along with it, a few horticulturally oriented traditions are also observed.

When I grew citrus back in the early 1990s, I can remember than we sold every kumquat and calamondin tree that had fruit on it prior to Tet. When those ran out, we sold every fruited mandarin orange and tangerine tree, and then every fruited orange and lemon tree. Eventually, just about every fruited tree we could supply was gone. Citrus trees with colorful ripe fruit are traditional decoration for Tet, and might even be a gift for someone lacking such a tree. Kumquat trees are the favorite, but others will do if necessary.

Fruit baskets containing primarily citrus fruits are also very popular and traditional. Bananas, pineapple and any colorful fruit are fair game as well. Shaddock fruit is popular if available. Shaddock is the dwarfing understock for other dwarf citrus trees, but is not commonly grown for fruit production.

Blooming stems of apricot, peach and plum, as well as Saint John’s wort flowers, are the favorite traditional cut flowers for Tet. Each type of flower corresponds to the region of Vietnam from which the family displaying it originated. In the Santa Clara Valley years ago, there were plenty of fruit blossoms to go around. The stems were sometimes cut early and forced to bloom on time for Tet. Nowadays, such blooming stems can be purchased from florists, along with the other traditional flowers; chrysanthemums, narcissus, marigolds, pansies and cockscombs. Families who own a bonsai or more display them prominently for Tet.

Happy Tet and Year of the Dog!80131

18 thoughts on “Year of the DOG!

    1. Actually, I do not know if it is prominent in Vietnamese traditions. I only knew that it was an acceptable substitute for kumquat if kumquat was not available. It might have become popular because most families already have kumquat trees. After Tet, Vietnamese families sometimes give their potted kumquat trees or other citrus trees to neighbors who do not celebrate Tet. Calamansi is always easy to give away because there are so many neighbors from the Philippines, and people from the Philippines really like Calamansi!

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    1. It is doubtful that it will come true from seed because it is a hybrid of two species. However, each of the parents happen to be rather stable. Just be aware that the juvenile growth may be nastily thorny for a while until adult growth develops. Again, it is hard to say. Some citrus develop adult growth right away.

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