P80623K+++That is a term that we do not hear much. There are not many plants that it applies to. Cyclamen is one of the more familiar plants that is summer deciduous. It is from a climate with reasonably mild winters and unpleasantly dry and warm summers. Just like most deciduous plants are dormant through winter to avoid the unpleasantries of the weather, cyclamen defoliates as the weather gets warm in early summer to avoid the expected heat and aridity. It somehow knows how to stay dormant until the weather starts to get cooler in autumn, and is ready to regenerate new foliage and bloom as the rain starts. The active growing season is through autumn, winter and into spring. It is all a matter of taking advantage of the weather while it can, and avoiding the discomforts of severe weather when necessary.

Rhody, like most dogs, has been shedding his fluffier inner winter coat through spring. He still seems to be too fluffy for the weather, but he must know what he is doing. The remaining wiry outer coat provides a bit of shade, and helps to dissipate a bit of warmth when necessary.

Unlike Rhody, I do not have a fluffier undercoat to shed. All that I could do is shed some of the sparse and wiry outer coat. It might have provided shade, but also interfered with cooling air circulation. It does not seem to be designed to dissipate heat like Rhody’s is. Regardless, it was shed just before the Summer Solstice, and will not regenerate until autumn. A barber sheared back the upper evergreen growth first. I then pollarded most of the lower growth, leaving only a pair of formally shorn hedges flanking the upper margin. They too may be removed soon. Antithetically of https://tonytomeo.wordpress.com/2018/01/17/winter-coat/P80623KP80623K+P80623K++

26 thoughts on “Summer Deciduous

  1. Top photo of you Reminds me of what Jack used to look like after 6 + months on the road. Around December little kids would tug their mothers hands and point, I’m sure they thought he was Santa

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They can do that if sheltered. When I was a kid, my cyclamen lasted until the weather got hot, which in our climate, sometimes took a while. We have warm summers, but it does not get very hot.


    1. The barber only took the top off. She does not mess around. In Los Gatos, there are no barbers, just stylists. The difference is that barbers cut hair. Stylists just move it around. Anyway, I did the rest myself. The chops will likely come off soon, depending on what those whom I work with say about them.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You seem to have avoided the error a friend of mine once made, of leaving it a little late in the summer to shave off the beard. The rest of his face was already tanned and it took a while for the lower half to catch up.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am terrified of children, even though they really like me. Some parents are remarkably comfortable with their kids sitting on my knee to tell me what they want for Christmas. I get nervous about it because I think I would not want my child to do that sort of thing with a stranger.

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  3. I’ve never been great at keeping indoor plants alive, so my husband got me a cyclamen when we had just started dating because the lady at the nursery told him it was hard to kill. I knew it went dormant in the summer, so when it looked dead I figured that was what happened. Nope, I killed it. I’m hoping for better luck with my outdoor flowers!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You know, that is a misconception about cyclamen. I find that they are difficult to kill once they are established out in the garden.However, in pots, they are very susceptible to rot. They were forced to look as good as they do in a synthetic greenhouse environment, so it is difficult for them to adapt to the outside world, even if it is inside the home. Most of us do not mind because they are grown as annuals. If I am going to pay that much for an annual, I intend to grow it as a perennial!. They may not be as pretty in the garden as they are in pots, but they are more resilient than people think.


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