Six on Saturday‘ is a meme that I participate in on Saturday morning. The link below explains that participants post pictures from our gardens, landscapes, greenhouses, or wherever we find subjects of horticultural interest. You might post six of your own.

I posted this second set of six this afternoon both because these six pictures will be outdated by next Saturday, and because they are more relevant to horticulture than the six that I posted this morning.

1. Rose – Unless there is a rose out there somewhere that I neglected to prune, this is the last rose bloom of last year. It got pruned after I got this picture. Even here, roses get to hibernate.P00118K-1

2. Wallflower – Does it look like it cares that it is the middle of winter? Actually, from a distance, it is more obvious that sporadic bloom is somewhat subdued. It just never stops completely.P00118K-2

3. Sasanqua Camellia – This was one of the few last flowers, and likely disintegrated shortly after the picture was taken and the weather warmed up. That was actually before last Saturday.P00118K-3

4. Narcissus – Since I so regularly express a preference for white flowers, I tried to find yellow daffodils. They were only beginning to bloom though. These paperwhite narcissus are prettier.P00118K-4

5. Pigsqueak – The name is rad. I intend to grow more in my own garden. It is such a classic winter blooming perennial. More importantly, I want to brag to my friends about my pigsqueak.P00118K-5

6. Cyclamen – I intentionally got a picture of the red instead of the white. I would prefer them to be more than just common winter annuals. Nevermind the irrigation line in the background.P00118K-6

This is the link for Six on Saturday, for anyone else who would like to participate:

23 thoughts on “Six on Saturday: Calm Before The Storm

      1. Yes, Bergenia crassifolia. However, some identify them as Bergenia cordifolia. I believe that Bergennia cordifolia has larger and more loosely set cordate l leaves. I have seen it only in a few old landscapes.

        Liked by 2 people

    1. It is Bergenia crassifolia, although some might say it is Bergenia cordifolia. In our region, it is the only species of Bergenia that is available, although I have seen the other in old landscapes.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Nice overview this weekend. Pigsqueak is Bergenia right? A French name is also “elephant ears”. They grow furiously over here. Otherwise very nice photo of wallflowers. The leaves of mine are slightly folded down because of the frost and I will have to wait a bit before seeing flowers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What were you calling it before?! One of the names we learned for it in school was ‘Siberian tea’, but that is Bergenia ligulata, not Bergenia crassifolia. Some know it as winter blooming bergenia, or just bergenia.


  2. So what do you call Bergenia ciliata, because I’m not overly keen on its Indian name of Pathar phor buti. Those daffs are very early and rather lovely. It looks like Paper White Grandiflorus in my daffodil catalogue, might give them a whirl next year.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do not have an alternate name for Bergenia ciliata because it is not grown here. If it did, it would probably be known simply as ‘bergenia’, or the same common names as the others. Bergenia crassifolia is commonly known as ‘heart leaf bergenia, and no one minds because Bergenia crassifolia, the ‘real’ heart leaf bergenia, is so rare here.
      We know those simplest of narcissus as ‘paperwhite’, but I do not know if that is actually a cultivar. I like them because they look like the old traditional types that used to be grown for cut flower. There was a field of them that were an abandoned cut flower crop near my Pa’s home in Montara when I was a kid.


  3. Pigsqueak caused a stir. Now I have to look at my bergenia to see if is cordifolia or crassifolia!! I love those paperwhites. I thought they were only grown inside here. I’ll have to have a look at the one Jim identified – but then he has the benefit of a heated greenhouse. The camelia is lovely too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I refer to all pigsqueak a Bergenia crassifolia, even though some of it may be Bergenia cordifolia. I do not know if I would recognize a difference unless I saw both together. I have seen some with bigger leaves and floral stalks, which I would guess was Bergenia cordifolia, but I really do not know. I did not bother to notice the shape of the leaves. If I see some that is obviously Bergenia cordifolila, I should get a piece of it.
      Many of our naturalized narcissus are old cultivars, and some likely grew from seed. I prefer them to modern cultivars. We do not plant many. A neighbor gave us a big bag of daffodil bulbs that bloomed last year, and are blooming now. They look just like ‘King Alfred’ daffodils, but they had another name. All these weird and redundant cultivars get so confusing.


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